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Aquamaniac had an appearance based heavily upon the monster portrayed by John "Hannibal" Smith in the pilot of the series "The A-Team". I felt the name could definitely fit a character and he became the leader of a small cadre of villains-sadly, the stats and names for those were lost to time, but this one managed to somehow stick around. The character himself got killed off at one point-probably by the master villain to make a point.

Real Name: Unknown
Occupation: Professional criminal
Identity: Unknown
Legal Status: Citizen of the United States with a criminal record, now deceased
Place of Birth: Denver, Colorado
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None admitted to
Group Affiliation: None
Base of Operations: Mobile
Height: 6’3”
Weight: 240 lbs.
Eyes: Red
Hair: None
Strength Level: Aquamaniac can press up to 800 lbs.

Marvel Superheroes Statistics

Fighting Excellent
Agility Amazing
Strength Excellent
Endurance Excellent
Reason Poor
Intuition Excellent
Psyche Remarkable

Known Superhuman Powers: Aquamaniac was able to generate ice of Incredible material strength. He was also able to control water with Good ability, making him a dangerous enemy near water sources. He could track with Good ability, and finally, he was able to rend items with his Remarkable material strength claws.

Other Abilities: Aquamaniac was skilled in Martial Arts A and B, was a skilled leader-though it rarely shows.

Contacts: None. He was a lackey's lackey.

Mutants and Masterminds Statistics

Aquamaniac - PL 10

Strength 4, Stamina 3, Agility 10, Dexterity 6, Fighting 3, Intellect -2, Awareness 2, Presence -2

All-out Attack, Daze (Intimidation), Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll 4, Diehard, Leadership, Power Attack, Prone Fighting, Seize Initiative, Startle, Takedown, Tracking

Athletics 11 (+15), Close Combat: Claw 7 (+10), Expertise: Criminal Underworld 10 (+8), Insight 4 (+6), Intimidation 22 (+20), Perception 6 (+8), Ranged Combat: Ice Attacks 4 (+10), Ranged Combat: Water Attacks 8 (+14)

Ice Creation and Manipulation (Array)

Create Ice Sculptures: Create 10 (Volume: 1000 cft., DC 20; Fades)
Icy Shard Assault: Blast 10 (DC 25; Fades)

Monstrous Claws: Strength-based Strike 6 (DC 25)
Water Control: Element Control 6 (Element: Water, 3200 lbs., DC 21; Damaging; Limited Material: Water Only)

Initiative +10
Grab, +3 (DC Spec 14)
Icy Shard Assault: Blast 10, +10 (DC 25)
Monstrous Claws: Strength-based Strike 6, +10 (DC 25)
Throw, +6 (DC 19)
Unarmed, +3 (DC 19)
Water Control: Element Control 6 (DC 21)

Motivation: Greed
Prejudice: Aquamaniac is a hideous being, looking far more like a monster than a man; he cannot conveniently disguise himself.


Dodge 10, Parry 10, Fortitude 9, Toughness 7/3, Will 11

Power Points
Abilities 48 + Powers 29 + Advantages 15 + Skills 36 (72 ranks) + Defenses 22 = 150

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