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Weaknesses and Limitations
Character History
Steven Wentworth never expected to be abducted by aliens. He expected to make a small fortune as a broker. But a small group of alien researchers wanted to examine humanity, and Wentworth drew the short straw.
The aliens, not content with simply studying, experimented, attempting to unlock the secrets of metahumanity-and in doing so, unlocked Wentworth's potential as a psi. This was probably not a smart idea, given the methods they used to try to empower him, which left him feeling unkindly toward the aliens.
Escaping back to Earth, he found himself able to see within the mind of common humanity, and instead of abusing them as his captors had abused him, he chose to fight for mankind as Willforge!
Real Name: Unknown
Powers/Abilities: Power Armor
Henchmen: Robots
Details: Mindhunter was designed by a group of aliens to retrieve their valuable property-such as Willforge
Current Status: At Large