Dauntless Seeker of Horizons

From Coreth's Cacophony of Characters
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For a time, I played in a short-lived Exalted game on the Roll20 site. The Exalted characters were all Alchemical, and it took place in the body of the machine god. My character was imagined as an explorer, which might've come more into play had we ever gotten out of the city the campaign started in.

This campaign used the Exalted game system. I used the City of Heroes character creator to build a look for the character so I could picture him in my head.


Motivation: Find a new home for humanity-if it exists!

Caste: Moonsilver

Anima Banner: Moonsilver circuit with electrical pulses running along its pathways.

Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 2; Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 4; Perception 5, Intelligence 3, Wits 3

Abilities: Archery 2, Awareness 3, Dodge 4, Resistance 3, Linguistics 3, Presence 3, Ride 2, Sail 3 (Specialty: Aerial Skiffs), Stealth 3, Survival 3, Lore 2, Craft (Magitech) 1

Backgrounds: Class 3, Artifact 5 (Aerial Skiff 4, 6 Essence Capacitors 6, Assault Crossbow 2, Light Amplification Visor 1, Synthetic Leather Reinforced Buff Jacket 2)

Willpower: 6 (2 spent)

Virtues: Compassion: 2, Conviction: 2, Temperance: 2, Valor: 3 (Conviction channeled)

Essence: 2

Personal Motes: 2 (12 max)

Peripheral Motes: 26 (34 max) (10 used)

Installation Costs: 10

Committed Motes: 8

Charm Slots: Dedicated 5, General 5

Installed Charms: 3rd Dexterity Aug, Personal Gravity Manipulation Apparatus, Protosynthetic Ammunition Replicator, Accelerated Response System (Lower), Precalculated Evasion System, Strain-Resistant Chassis Modification (x2), Optical Shroud, Aura-Dampening Component, Dynamic Reaction Enhancement System

Charm Panoply

Augmentations: Dexterity (3rd), Perception (3rd), Appearance (2nd)

Strength: Personal Gravity Manipulation Apparatus

Dexterity: Protosynthetic Ammunition Replicator, Accelerated Response System (Lower), Precalculated Evasion System (Valor Flaw of Alchemical Invulnerability), Dynamic Reaction Enhancement System

Stamina: Strain-Resistant Chassis Modification (x2)

Appearance: Optical Shroud, Aura-Dampening Component, Radiant Iconography Array

Perception: Imprinted Data Cluster