
From Coreth's Cacophony of Characters
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My parents told me stories of the Jedi when I was a boy. Now I know they're true.
Yelzrin of Taris, Star Wars: The Old Republic (2011)
This page is about the Jedi Knight in Star Wars: The Old Republic. For the Dark Elf Bladesinger, see Anthrandos Ferric.

With the coming of the "Light versus Dark" event in the MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic, I decided to whip up a new pair of characters-one Republic, one Imperial. Since the whole event centered on such moral choices, I went with the character types that most suited that sort of thing. For the Republic, I created Anthrandos.


Jedi Guardian Level 70

Physical description







80 kg

Hair color


Eye color


Skin color


Chronological and political information

Old Republic Era

  • The Alliance Against Zakuul
  • Galactic Republic


Anthrandos has taken the Jedi Code and metaphorically carved it into his heart. Keeping compassion as his guide, but not allowing it to form an attachment, he's pretty much what many would consider the stereotypical Jedi Knight. He's not into the idea of sacrificing a single life to save a hundred-not when he can instead choose to save one hundred and one by his actions. The war against the Eternal Empire has not changed this basic outlook; mercy before slaughter, compassion before revenge, and understanding before impulse.


Anthrandos has trained as a Jedi Guardian. In this role, he wields a single lightsaber and practices use of the Shien fighting form. He also has some skill with Soresu and Shii-Cho.


Anthrandos preferred over the course of his career to utilize heavy armor, unlike the traditional robes of the Jedi. He originally used armor based heavily on that of the Sith Triumvirate of centuries past; it was something that had been passed down to him by ancestry, from one who had served Darth Revan's Sith Empire as a trooper. The armor was resistant to blaster bolts to an extent, and certainly to physical injury, which gives Anthrandos the durability he requires to bring his lightsaber into play. He eventually shifted to a somewhat lighter armor crafted from more modern metallurgy techniques; he has kept the old Triumvirate armor, however, just in case of a rainy day.

His original lightsaber was created on the planet Tython, and fitted with a blue/white crystal. He maintained the crystal when he built a new one on Odessen with the aid of Satele Shan and Darth Marr.

Anthrandos once used a jetpack of an odd design to travel long distances on planets, but he has since switched to a standard Longspur STAP.


This character was developed for the SWTOR event, "Light versus Dark", and the character almost exclusively makes Light Side choices.