
From Coreth's Cacophony of Characters
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Challenger was the first randomly rolled character I'd done for the game-and good heavens, it shows.

Over time, I tinkered with the character to get him to the point where the powers were somewhat consolidated, and I twisted his origin story around; he was an "Altered Human" when that was rolled up, and I eventually decided that he had been a mutant who had, in fact, been altered (the actual origin story escapes me; it's been a couple of decades....)

Real Name: Frank Githanic
Occupation: Professional adventurer, professor
Identity: Secret, but known by journalistic sources
Legal Status: Citizen of the United States with no criminal record
Place of Birth: San Francisco, California
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Laura Githanic (sister)
Group Affiliation: Force Supreme
Base of Operations: San Francisco, California
Height: 6'
Weight: Variable, normally 190 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Strength Level: Challenger can lift up to one ton.

Marvel Superheroes Statistics

Fighting Remarkable
Agility Incredible
Strength Remarkable
Endurance Incredible
Reason Incredible
Intuition Remarkable
Psyche Remarkable

Known Superhuman Powers: Challenger may fire bolts of force from his hands, doing up to Remarkable damage with them. He is also able to increase his density to Amazing, giving him that type of armor.

Challenger could formerly phase with Amazing ability, and form claws of force with his hands with Incredible material strength. However, the effects of being caught in reality warps seem to have stripped them permanently.

Other Abilities: Challenger is skilled in biology and teaching. He also has some knowledge of financing.

Contacts: Challenger, as the former leader of Force Supreme, may call upon the mayor of San Francisco for resources.

Mutants and Masterminds Statistics

Challenger - PL 10

Strength 6, Stamina 6, Agility 6, Dexterity 3, Fighting 4, Intellect 5, Awareness 4, Presence 4

All-out Attack, Improved Smash, Improvised Weapon, Leadership, Power Attack, Teamwork

Athletics 6 (+12), Close Combat: Unarmed 6 (+10), Expertise: Biology 4 (+9), Expertise: Finance 2 (+7), Expertise: Teaching 4 (+9), Ranged Combat: Force Bolts: Blast 5 12 (+15)

Density Powers (Array)

Density Phase: Insubstantial 4 (Incorporeal; Subtle: subtle)
Increased Density
Hardened Flesh: Protection 6 (+6 Toughness; Impervious [4 extra ranks])

Force Bolts: Blast 5 (force, DC 20; Multiattack)

Initiative +6
Force Bolts: Blast 5, +15 (DC 20)
Grab, +4 (DC Spec 16)
Throw, +3 (DC 21)
Unarmed, +10 (DC 21)

Motivation: Responsibility
Phobia: Challenger was horribly wounded at one point when he resolidified his density into a solid object. This may make it difficult for him to use his power to do so in many circumstances.


Dodge 8, Parry 8, Fortitude 8, Toughness 12, Will 10

Power Points
Abilities 76 + Powers 37 + Advantages 6 + Skills 17 (34 ranks) + Defenses 14 = 150

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