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Deflector is a mutant. Beyond that, nothing is known about Deflector's origin before his activities with Group Mind. He has worked with them since their original attack on Force Supreme, and been with them ever since.

Real Name: Christopher Scilles
Occupation: Professional criminal, former law-enforcement officer (specifics unknown)
Identity: Secret
Legal Status: Presumably citizen of the United States with a criminal record
Place of Birth: Unknown
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: Group Mind
Base of Operations: San Francisco, California
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 155 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
Strength Level: Deflector can lift up to 800 pounds.

Marvel Superheroes Statistics

Fighting Good
Agility Excellent
Strength Excellent
Endurance Incredible
Reason Remarkable
Intuition Amazing
Psyche Incredible

Known Superhuman Powers: Defectors powers are a result of a mutation; however, due to the still-present antimutant prejudice, he prefers to lead others to believe he has gained his power through technology. Deflector's main powers involve the creation of a forcefield. He has used it offensively and defensively at Incredible power. He can also fly at 150 MPH, or Excellent speeds. Finally, he wears light kevlar armor, giving him Good protection

Other Abilities: Deflector is knowledgeable in law enforcement, both techniques and procedures.

Contacts: Unknown.

Mutants and Masterminds Statistics

Deflector - PL 10

Strength 4, Stamina 6, Agility 3, Dexterity 3, Fighting 1, Intellect 4, Awareness 7, Presence 2

All-out Attack, Defensive Attack, Favored Foe: Police Officers, Improved Initiative

Athletics 4 (+8), Close Combat: Unarmed 8 (+9), Expertise: Law Enforcement 4 (+8), Expertise: Streetwise 8 (+12), Insight 8 (+15), Intimidation 6 (+8), Perception 4 (+11), Persuasion 4 (+6), Ranged Combat: Force Field 6 (+9)

Flight: Flight 6 (Speed: 120 miles/hour, 1800 feet/round)
Personal Force Field: Force Field 10 ([4 active, 20/20 PP, 2/r], +4 Toughness; Impervious)

Force Blast: Blast 10 (Alternate; [6 active, 20/20 PP, 2/r], DC 21)
Shield Others: Force Field Attack 10 (Alternate; [0 active, 20/20 PP, 2/r], +10 Toughness, DC 20; Attack: Dodge, Increased Range: ranged)

Initiative +7
Force Blast: Blast 10, +9 (DC 21)
Grab, +1 (DC Spec 14)
Shield Others: Force Field Attack 10, +9 (DC Dog 20)
Throw, +3 (DC 19)
Unarmed, +9 (DC 19)

Infamous: As a member of Group Mind, he has a rep for failure; recent activities may help reverse that, but first impressions are hard to get rid of.
Motivation: Recognition


Dodge 10, Parry 10, Fortitude 10, Toughness 10, Will 10

Power Points
Abilities 60 + Powers 37 + Advantages 4 + Skills 26 (52 ranks) + Defenses 23 = 150

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