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Destinos was my semi-homage to the Xenomorph in the Alien movies. I made it extradimensional instead of extraterrestrial, and gave him power to fight teams. It was originally a nemesis to Fate Inc, but moved on to becoming a foe of the Sorcerer.

Real Name: Destinos
Occupation: Demonic ruler of the Dimension of Agonies
Identity: Unknown to most of the population of Earth
Legal Status: Destinos' existence is not known to the people of Earth
Place of Birth: Sol, in the Milky Way Galaxy
Marital Status: Are you kidding?
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: None
Base of Operations: Dimension of Agonies
Height: 6’7”
Weight: 600 lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: None
Strength Level: Destinos has been able to lift small cars, giving him at least the ability to lift up to a ton.

Marvel Superheroes Statistics

Fighting Incredible
Agility Remarkable
Strength Incredible
Endurance Amazing
Reason Excellent
Intuition Incredible
Psyche Monstrous

Known Superhuman Powers: Destinos' powers are magical, and derive from three sources: power of the mind, power of the universe, and power from other dimensions. Because of his centuries of practice, he can use any power in the player's handbook with Amazing skill. It is possible that he can attain higher levels of power by calling on the power of the Dimension of Agonies.

Other Abilities: Destinos has knowledge of most of the major demons in the universe, and is very knowledgeable in the occult.

Contacts: Unknown, but likely to include many of the evil mystical powers amongst the planes.