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Electron's history is even more unusual than even the rest of Omega Force. He was working alone for some time, before joining that team for unknown reasons. He worked with the team, even when the new leader, Omega, took over. Eventually, the team took on the AEF, and lost. Electron, with the rest of his team, was extradited to Canada to await trial.

Real Name: Sam Croson
Occupation: Criminal Adventurer
Identity: Secret
Legal Status: Unknown, but presumed citizen of the United States
Place of Birth: Unknown
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: Omega Force
Base of Operations: Mobile
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 140 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Strength Level: Electron can press up to 800 lbs.

Marvel Superheroes Statistics

Fighting Excellent
Agility Excellent
Strength Good
Endurance Excellent
Reason Typical
Intuition Good
Psyche Poor

Known Superhuman Powers: Electron can throw lightning bolts of Remarkable power. He can also channel that power through touch at Amazing power. Finally, he can run at Incredible speed, or 105 MPH.

Other Abilities: Electron knows biology.

Contacts: Unknown.

Mutants and Masterminds Statistics

Electron - PL 10

Strength 4, Stamina 3, Agility 2, Dexterity 3, Fighting 3, Intellect 0, Awareness -1, Presence 0

Accurate Attack, Defensive Roll 6, Precise Attack (Ranged, Concealment), Precise Attack (Ranged, Cover), Uncanny Dodge

Athletics 7 (+11), Close Combat: Shocking Touch 6 (+9), Expertise: Biology 16 (+16), Insight 7 (+6), Intimidation 16 (+16), Perception 10 (+9), Persuasion 2 (+2), Ranged Combat: Electrical Blasts 3 (+6), Sleight of Hand 6 (+9), Stealth 8 (+10), Treatment 16 (+16), Vehicles 6 (+9)

Electrical Control: Energy Control 10 (DC 25; Accurate 2: +4)

Electric Aura: Energy Aura 5 (Alternate; DC 20)
Electric Touch: Damage 11 (Alternate; DC 26; Penetrating 10)
Electrical Cone: Cone Area Blast 6 (Alternate; DC 21; Cone Area: 60 feet cone, DC 16)

Speed: Speed 6 (Speed: 120 miles/hour, 1800 feet/round)

Initiative +2
Electric Aura: Energy Aura 5, +3 (DC 20)
Electric Touch: Damage 11, +9 (DC 26)
Electrical Cone: Cone Area Blast 6 (DC 21)
Electrical Control: Energy Control 10, +10 (DC 25)
Grab, +3 (DC Spec 14)
Throw, +3 (DC 19)
Unarmed, +3 (DC 19)

Motivation: Greed
Reputation: Canadians have a very bad opinion of Electron and Omega Squad thanks to an incident where the team managed to shoot a group of that nation's heroes into space, never to be seen again.


Dodge 11, Parry 11, Fortitude 15, Toughness 9/3, Will -1

Power Points
Abilities 28 + Powers 31 + Advantages 10 + Skills 52 (103 ranks) + Defenses 29 = 150

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